Andrew Graham
Chief Operating Officer

Andrew joined Hostplus in January 2024 as Chief Operating Officer. Andrew brings over 25 years’ experience in the financial services industry with executive roles in fund administration, investment operations, regulatory enquiries, risk management, assurance and finance. 

Roles and key responsibilities

  • Strategy, Data & Analytics and Project Management Office – lead the Hostplus strategic and business planning process and support the achievement of business objectives by informing decisions and improving business processes through application of data and research 
  • Finance - financial and management reporting, planning and budgeting, finance operations, finance business partnering and audit management 
  • Investment Operations - partnering with Investment Strategy team on investment implementation, independently administering the investment portfolio and valuations, transition management, asset allocations and tax compliance 
  • Legal and Compliance – internal legal counsel, including dispute resolution, compliance obligation management, governance and regulatory engagement. 

Year of appointment

  • 2024


Qualifications and memberships

  • Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia 
  • Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees 
  • Fellow, Financial Services Institute of Australasia 
  • Graduate Member, Australian Institute of Company Directors 
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment 
  • Bachelor of Business, Accounting 


  • Executive – Investment Administration & Analytics, NAB
  • General Manager, Client Delivery, NAB
  • General Manager, Regulatory Enquiries, NAB
  • General Manager, Internal Audit, NAB
  • Manager, Risk Management - Europe & Asia, JPMorgan
  • Manager, Assurance - Financial Services, KPMG