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We’re an award-winning industry super fund

Our measure of success is what we deliver for our members. But if you're into awards, we've got those too.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

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We’re an award-winning industry super fund

Our measure of success is what we deliver for our members. But if you're into awards, we've got those too.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

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Socially Responsible

The Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) - Balanced investment option is focused on values-based investing from investing in a portfolio with a bias to growth assets and has high diversification.


At a glance  (Transition to Retirement)

Investment timeframe
5 years +
Risk level
Medium to high
Asset mix
71% growth / 29% defensive
Total investment fees and costs*
0.62% p.a.
Return target
CPI + 3.0% p.a. over 20 years
Net return^

* Investment costs are based on estimated and actual information from the previous financial year. The costs payable in future years may be higher or lower. Administration and other fees also apply. For a full breakdown of fees and costs, see the Pension Guide.
^ The Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) – Balanced option was introduced on 28 March 2017. Investment return over 10 years to 31 October 2023, net of investment fees and costs. Administration and other costs apply. Returns won’t display for options younger than 10 years. See investment returns page for returns over all available periods.

How it invests

Our SRI – Balanced investment option aims to earn strong long-term returns for your retirement. It seeks to reduce exposure to fossil fuels, companies that breach human rights or labour rights, uncertified palm oil, tobacco, and some other sectors. Your money is invested in companies and assets that contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Icon depicting pre-mixed super represented as a pie chart

A diversified portfolio

SRI – Balanced is a pre-mixed option, meaning it invests in different types of assets, including fixed interest, cash, listed equities, property, infrastructure, private equity and alternatives.

Driving innovation

Hostplus is one of the largest Australian investors in venture capital. Choosing the SRI – Balanced option means you’re investing in companies that are developing tomorrow’s solutions to today’s challenges.  


Who is SRI – Balanced suitable for?

With a bias to growth assets, this Socially Responsible Investment pre-mixed option is designed for members with a medium to long-term investment timeframe, who are seeking moderate long-term returns and have a medium to high tolerance of negative returns.


We invest in

  • Alternative foods
  • Clean water
  • Community infrastructure
  • Green buildings
  • Green bonds
  • Healthcare and medical solutions
  • Renewable energy

We avoid where possible

  • Fossil fuels
  • Controversial weapons
  • For-profit detention
  • Gambling
  • Human rights or labour rights breaches
  • Live animal export
  • Predatory lending
  • Tobacco production
  • Uncertified palm oil
  • Very poor ESG policies and systems

Our target
asset mix

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) - Balanced
Asset class Benchmark Range 
Australian shares 24% 10–50% 
International shares (developed markets) 26% 10–50% 
International shares (emerging markets) 0% 0–20% 
Property 10% 0–30% 
Infrastructure 9% 0–30% 
Private equity 8%0–30% 
Credit 0%0–20% 
Alternatives 10%0–30% 
Diversified fixed interest 8%0–30%
Cash 5%0–20%


Head to Pension Online to choose the investment option that’s right for you.


Transition to Retirement

This chart shows the 12-month net return for our SRI – Balanced option at 30 June each year. The net return is the money the investment has earned, minus investment costs and taxes .1

Return 8.63% 7.20%-1.40%22.47%2.34%

This table shows the average net return for our SRI – Balanced option over 3 and 5 years to 30 June 2022.1

Year3 years5 years10 years
Average return (p.a.)7.30% 7.55%-

Want to learn

more about SRI – Balanced? 

Here is some additional information about the SRI – Balanced investment option to help you make an informed decision about whether it’s right for you. 

We believe that investing sustainably shouldn’t cost you more. The underlying SRI – Balanced investment costs are actually lower than our Balanced (MySuper) option.* And as a Hostplus member, you pay the same low admin fee, regardless of which investment option you choose.

*As at 30 June 2022. 

No. Choose to invest as little or as much of your super or pension in the SRI – Balanced option as you like. You can invest in multiple options at the same time and can switch between our investment options for free.

When you invest in our SRI – Balanced option, you can be confident that your super or pension seeks to reduce exposure to the following industries: 

Fossil fuels
Companies that own reserves, or explore, mine, extract, produce, refine or generate energy from fossil fuels, as well as companies that receive revenue from servicing these sectors through equipment services, pipeline transport or distribution. 

A zero-materiality threshold is applied, but dedicated renewable energy generators with backup fossil fuel sources (less than 5%) may remain investible. Data is supplied by MSCI and ISS.  

Controversial weapons 
Companies involved in the development, production, maintenance or sale of controversial weapons (including cluster munitions, anti-personnel mines, depleted uranium, biological weapons, chemical weapons, blinding laser weapons, non-detectable fragment weapons, incendiary weapons and nuclear weapons). This includes companies directly involved, as well as prime contractors, key subcontractors and suppliers of key components. Data is supplied by Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS).

For-profit detention
Companies that derive more than 5% of their revenue from for-profit detention, such as prisons and immigration detention. Data is supplied by ISS.

Companies that derive more than 5% of their revenue from gambling. Data is supplied by MSCI.

Human rights or labour rights breaches
Companies that breach the United Nations Global Compact or International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Core Conventions. Data is supplied by MSCI.

Live animal export
Companies involved in the export of live animals for the purpose of slaughter, husbandry and breeding, including specialised transport companies. Data is supplied by ISS.

Predatory lending
Companies involved in predatory lending, including unfair or deceptive products, excessive interest rates, misleading marketing, unnecessary costs and hidden fees, and those targeting minority, low-income or elderly consumers. Data is supplied by ISS.

Companies that manufacture tobacco products, such as cigars, blunts, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, inhalers, beedis, kreteks, smokeless tobacco, snuff, snus, dissolvable and chewing tobacco. This also includes companies that grow or process raw tobacco leaves. Data is supplied by MSCI.

Uncertified palm oil
Companies involved in growing, processing or using palm oil that derive more than 10% of their revenue from these activities and where less than 50% of the palm oil is Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)-certified. Data is supplied by ISS.

Very poor environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies and systems
Companies with an MSCI ESG rating of B or CCC.

To develop our investment approach for the SRI – Balanced option, we partnered with specialist external investment managers and sourced sustainable investment data from external providers. 

Australian and international shares
We invest in listed Australian and international (developed market) share portfolios via an investment manager. The manager excludes the relevant investments, then seeks to maximise the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) score of the portfolio. Data is supplied by ISS.

We invest in cash products that are managed by investment managers with responsible investment processes. We apply the relevant exclusions listed above when selecting products for inclusion in this option. 

Diversified fixed interest 
We invest in passively managed Australian and global bond ESG funds whose processes most closely match our exclusions. 

The investment manager applies rules-based exclusions to non-government securities associated with fossil fuels, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, adult entertainment, genetically modified organisms, military weapons, civilian firearms and nuclear power. For the global bond funds, treasury and government-related issuers with an MSCI ESG government rating below ‘BB’ are also excluded. Definitions for exclusions are based on the Bloomberg Barclays Index exclusion methodology.

We invest in infrastructure assets including renewable energy, water utilities and social infrastructure. We apply the relevant exclusions listed above when selecting assets for inclusion in this option. 

Private equity
We invest in a diversified mix of funds that have been identified as including companies that contribute towards achieving one or more SDG, or are managed by an investment manager that has stronger-than-average responsible investment processes relative to peers within the same asset class. We apply the relevant exclusions listed above when selecting funds for inclusion in this option. 

We invest in diversified property funds that have been identified as leaders at the overall, regional or strategy level by their Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) score and ranking. We apply the relevant exclusions listed above when selecting funds for inclusion in this option.

Get ready for a positive future with a Hostplus retirement account

It takes about 20 minutes to apply for a Hostplus retirement account online, or you can call us on 1300 348 546 to discuss your options.

1. The Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) – Balanced option was introduced on 28 March 2017. Administration and other fees also apply. For a full breakdown of fees and costs, see the Pension Guide. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.