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Manage your super

We’re an award-winning industry super fund

Our measure of success is what we deliver for our members. But if you're into awards, we've got those too.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

Forms and resources

We’re an award-winning industry super fund

Our measure of success is what we deliver for our members. But if you're into awards, we've got those too.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

Join Hostplus

How much super 
do you need?

Whether you’re happy with a modest lifestyle or want a few more comforts in retirement, you can retire your way with Hostplus.

Finding out how much super you’ll need is a great starting point. Hello

How much super will I need in retirement?

The answer this question depends on what kind of lifestyle you want. Your savings at retirement need to match your goals.   

We’ve used the ASFA Retirement Standard as a guide. This says a comfortable retirement allows you to enjoy a good standard of living with a budget that includes things like: 

  • Private health insurance, new clothes, and a decent car 
  • Local holidays, social outings, exercise classes 
  • Home repairs, air conditioning, streaming services. 

Superannuation balances required to achieve a comfortable retirement

Savings required for retirement at age 67

Couple Single 

The figures in each case assume that the retiree(s) own their own home and relate to expenditure by the household. 

How much income will I need in retirement?

The ASFA Retirement Standard works out how much singles and couples will need to have a modest or a comfortable lifestyle.  

Comfortable lifestyle (p.a.)

Couple Single

Modest lifestyle (p.a)

Couple Single

How much super should I have for my age now?

There’s no right or wrong with retirement but knowing what your super balance should be for your age is a guide to whether you’re on track.  

Age (years)Super balance

What if I'm
not on track?

Don’t despair. There are some things that you can do to help boost your super balance and take control.

Tips to boost your super

One of the simplest ways to help grow your super is by making additional contributions on top of what your employer pays. 

How to make extra contributions

You might be able to pay extra money into your super in a few different ways (subject to eligibility rules). 

Icon depicting money going into a jar as savings

Salary Sacrifice

Grow your super AND pay less tax by asking your employer to put more into super from your before-tax- salary.

After-tax contributions

Make one-off contributions via BPAY, or set up recurring direct debit payments. You could even claim a tax deduction.

Government co-contributions

If you're a low-to-middle income earner, you could receive extra money from teh government just by contributing to super.

Spouse contributions

Contributing to your partner's super (or vice versa) can help boost combined savings and potentially save tax.

Watch how to make extra contributions to super (1 min)

Calculate your retirement income

Our Retirement Calculator will show you the income you might get from your super and the Age Pension. It’ll also help you see if there are any changes you can make now to your super to set yourself up for a more positive future.  

retirement accounts

Icon depicting a sign post pointing to pathways

Transition to Retirement account

If you’re still working, a Hostplus Transition to Retirement account could let you invest your super and draw a regular income. 

Pension account

When you stop working, instead of withdrawing all your super, a Hostplus Pension account could turn your super into a regular tax-free income.

Get expert advice

Having a financial plan can help you make the right decisions now, to help you achieve your future goals. That’s why with Hostplus, you can access qualified financial planners, dedicated to helping you achieve your retirement goals, including making sure you have enough for retirement, and that you’re making the most out of your super.

The holistic approach considers all aspects of your financial journey, including:

  • superannuation, including contributions and investment allocation
  • tax-effective retirement planning, including transition to retirement
  • wealth creation, including investments outside of super
  • maximising cash flow, income and debt management
  • maximising your government entitlements and insurance
  • estate planning, and more.

Apply online for our award-winning Retirement account

Start enjoying a regular income from your super while staying invested. It only takes about 20 minutes to apply.