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Manage your super


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Manage your super

We’re an award-winning industry super fund

Our measure of success is what we deliver for our members. But if you're into awards, we've got those too.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

Forms and resources

We’re an award-winning industry super fund

Our measure of success is what we deliver for our members. But if you're into awards, we've got those too.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

Join Hostplus

Hostplus app
Download centre

To help you manage your super more easily, we invite you to download the Hostplus app and try out a range of helpful features.

Download Hostplus
mobile app

Or search for 'Hostplus' on Google Play or Apple App Store.

When you have the Hostplus app installed, just sign in or register to start enjoying the following benefits:

  • Check your account balance and transaction history
  • See how your investments are performing
  • Receive notifications when a contribution is made to your super account
  • View your insurance details and beneficiaries
  • Easily update your contact details
  • Send a new employer your Hostplus details

FAQs & troubleshooting

How do I update the app on my device?

  • Phone or iPad users - go to the app store on your device and search Hostplus. Once the Hostplus app appears tap Update.
  • Android phone or tablet users - go to the play store on your device and search Hostplus. Once the Hostplus app appears tap Update

How do I update my device operating system?

What operating systems are supported with the recent app update?

Operating system
Apple iPhone and iPadsOS 15 upwards
Android Phones and Tablets Android 9 upwards


Why is Hostplus no longer supporting iPhone 14 or Android 8 operating systems?

The recent app update will support up to 99% of our app members. However, to ensure we keep the app as secure as possible and can deliver new features, we need to use more recent platforms to support this.

Does the recent app update have new features?

All features in the previous version of the app have been maintained. The updated app focuses on improved security and performance and allows for accessibility features such as:

Where can I get more information?

Contact us via phone, chat, or email.

This FAQ contains links to other websites which are operated by third parties who manage and/or operate the relevant app store and may have their own terms and conditions of use.  These links are provided “as is” and for you information purposes only.  We have not verified the links. To the extent permitted by law, we are not responsible for, the content of any other websites or pages linking our site to others. We do not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy, completeness, currency or fitness for purpose of any information contained on websites linked from our site.  We also do not warrant that those sites or any material contained in or obtained from those sites is error or virus free.  Following links to any pages or websites is done so at your own risk.

Manage your super anywhere. That’s a plus

Download the Hostplus app.