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Event Notice 
asked questions

7 June 2023

If you have any questions about the changes that we have outlined in the 7 June 2023 Significant Event Notice (SEN), please read below:  

Closing of the Property and Infrastructure options

We're committed to delivering quality products and services to members. As part of this commitment, we regularly review our investment strategy and product offering. 

Following a recent review, we’re expanding our line-up of pre-mixed options and further streamlining our single sector options. 

We considered a range of factors, including:  

  • the increasing complexity and cost of running the Property and Infrastructure options as standalone options,  
  • how best to manage the asset mix and cash flows of Hostplus’ overall investments, and  
  • ensuring we continue to meet best-practice investment governance standards. 

We believe withdrawing these options, while expanding our line-up of pre-mixed options, is in the best financial interests of our members. 

You can still invest in these assets through some of our pre-mixed options. Several pre-mixed options contain various levels of exposure to unlisted property and infrastructure. Review the details of those options here or in our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) to see if they’re suitable for you. 

You can also invest in listed property and infrastructure through Choiceplus, our direct investment option. Choiceplus offers a range of listed property and infrastructure assets available via the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) or Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).  

Please note that Choiceplus is not available as part of our Transition to Retirement product. 

The Property and Infrastructure options will close in full on 1 October 2023. This means that members can’t stay invested in either option from this date.  

If you are still invested in either the Property or Infrastructure option at 1 September 2023: 

  • you won’t be able to make any further switches into the Property or Infrastructure options on or after 1 September 2023, and  
  • you’ll need to switch all your investments in the Property and Infrastructure options to another investment option(s). 

To do this, please log into Member Online, and navigate to ‘Manage investments’ under the ‘Investments’ menu. 

Please note: after 1 September 2023, you won’t be able to switch out part of your investments from these options (you must switch out all your investments).  

Please send your switching instructions – for both your current balance and any future contributions – by 4pm (AEST) 27 September 2023

IMPORTANT: If we don’t receive your valid switching instruction by 4pm (AEST) 27 September 2023, then on 1 October 2023, we’ll transfer your balance in these options to the following alternative investment options. This includes any planned future contributions. 

Current investment option Mapped alternative investment option 
Property Conservative Balanced 
Infrastructure Balanced  

If you’re not invested in either the Property or Infrastructure option on 1 September 2023, you don’t need to do anything.  

We’re closing the Property and Infrastructure options from 1 October. You’ll need to switch out of these options before this date.  

If you’d like to choose an alternative investment option yourself, you’ll need to do so by 4pm (AEST) 27 September 2023. If we haven’t received switching instructions from you by then, we’ll transfer your entire balance in these options (and any future contributions) into the following alternative options: 

Current investment option 
Mapped alternative investment option 
Property Conservative Balanced 
Infrastructure Balanced  

We’ve chosen investment options whose risk and return attributes most closely align with your current options.  

Please note: the investment fees and costs of these options may be different to the Property and Infrastructure investment options. Please check the Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan, Hostplus Executive Plan or Hostplus Pension product disclosure statements for more information.

You can switch your investments by logging in to Member Online. Just navigate to the ‘Manage investments’ page under the ‘Investments’ menu. You can also give us a call if you’d like us to help you switch over the phone.  

The fees, costs and asset allocation of the mapped options will be different from the Property and Infrastructure options. Please refer to Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan, Hostplus Executive Plan or Hostplus Pension product disclosure statements to see the differences, and to help you decide if these options are suitable for your financial needs and objectives. 

We’re one of Australia’s largest investors in unlisted property and infrastructure. We’ll continue to invest in these assets, both in Australia and overseas, by blending them into our other pre-mixed options. The levels of investment in these assets will depend on each option’s strategic asset allocation and risk settings. 

You’ll need to give us a switching instruction for your investments in the Property and/or Infrastructure options by 4pm (AEST) 27 September 2023. If we haven’t heard from you by then, your balance (and future contributions) in these options will be transferred to the mapped options on 1 October 2023

It can take up to 3 business days for investment changes to appear in your online account and in the mobile app. After this time, you’ll be able to change your investment choice as normal. 

From 1 September 2023, you won’t be able to switch into these options. But if you’re already invested in these options on 1 September, you can still make contributions until 30 September. 

Introduction of new investment options

These investment styles aim to give members a choice of investments to suit their individual objectives and cost preferences. 

Core options (includes Balanced, Shares Plus, Conservative Balanced, Capital Stable and, from 1 October, High Growth and Defensive) 

Core options aim to deliver the best long-term net return outcomes for a given level of risk by leveraging Hostplus’ investment expertise, scale and strategy. They’re mostly actively managed. They’re also generally highly diversified across many investment sectors and/or asset classes. 

Indexed options (includes Indexed Balanced and, from 1 October, Indexed High Growth and Indexed Defensive)  

Indexed options aim to deliver low-cost investments by utilising passive management. These options provide diversified investments that generally seek to track established market indices. They're generally diversified across a few investment sectors and/or asset classes. 

Socially responsible options (includes SRI - Balanced and, from 1 October, SRI - High Growth and SRI - Defensive) 

Socially responsible options aim to deliver strong long-term net returns while reducing exposure to particular industries. They target investments in companies and assets that contribute to achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. These options are generally diversified across a few investment sectors and/or asset classes. 

We’re committed to delivering products and services that meet our members’ best financial interests. We know that not all members are the same. So, after recently reviewing our investment strategy, we wanted to offer members a broader range of investment options to suit their individual investment objectives and risk appetites.

You’ll be able to invest in these new options from 1 October 2023.  

Our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) has the most up-to-date information, including investment fees and costs. The updated PDS will be published on our website on 1 October 2023. We recommend reading the PDS if you're considering investing in one or more of the new options. 

Choiceplus enhancements (excludes SMI and TTR)

Choiceplus is an option for people who want to take a more active role in their super or pension investments. You can use it to invest directly in shares, term deposits, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Listed Investment Companies (LICs). These investments aren’t available through other Hostplus investment options. 

We periodically review our products and suppliers, to see if we can better leverage our position as a large super fund. We believe this is in the best financial interest of our members. 

Following a recent review, we renegotiated better fees and costs with our suppliers. We’re passing these savings on to our members by reducing Choiceplus fees and costs. 

The limits are based on the level of diversification in the ETF and LIC. For example, an ETF that invests across many different companies or sectors is well diversified. It carries less risk than an ETF that only invests across a few companies or sectors. 

Strengthened investment governance (all products)

Hostplus is required to set and routinely review the design, distribution and use of our financial products. Additionally, the superannuation industry regulator (APRA) requires all superannuation funds to review and as appropriate increase, extend and strengthen their investment governance frameworks and practices. This includes valuation practices and liquidity management, to ensure member equity considerations are well managed and protected.  

In response, we’ve recently updated our investment governance policies and processes. One particular area where we have enhanced our controls is around investment switching. This includes enhanced monitoring of members’ investment switches to identify any switching activity that is unreasonable, and which may be detrimental to other members’ interests.  

Unreasonable switching means any switching activity used by members to gain an unfair advantage on investment returns. This could mean activities such as switching in and out of investment options during valuation cycles.  

If we identify switching activity we consider to be unreasonable, we may:  

  • provide education and guidance to any members engaging in the activity 
  • issue more formal cautions to discourage the activity, or  
  • restrict or remove a member’s ability to switch investment options. 

If we need to put any of these or other controls in place, we’ll let you know.  

Changes to asset rebalancing practices (all products)

Each Hostplus investment option has its own target asset mix and allocation. You can view those here or in our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). 

When markets move up and down, and when members move their money in and out of our investment options, the asset allocation can drift away from our target. We then need to adjust the option’s underlying investments to match the target asset mix again. This is called rebalancing.  

The Balanced option, being our largest investment option, has played a central role in rebalancing other Hostplus investment options.  

From 1 July 2023, rebalancing will be proportionately applied across all pre-mixed investment options, rather than just the Balanced option.  

This new process aligns with best practice investment governance.