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Manage your super

We’re an award-winning industry super fund

Our measure of success is what we deliver for our members. But if you're into awards, we've got those too.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

Forms and resources

We’re an award-winning industry super fund

Our measure of success is what we deliver for our members. But if you're into awards, we've got those too.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

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Updated 16 Aug 2023

Our responsible investment approach helps us to better manage risks and to optimise retirement outcomes for our members.

We understand that a responsible investment approach – that includes environmental, social, governance (ESG) considerations – helps us to better manage risks and to optimise retirement outcomes for our members.
During the 2019–20 financial year we significantly updated our Responsible Investment Policy, which can be found on our website.

ESG integration

Hostplus Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) option

We recognise the importance of considering ESG risks and include these when setting the investment strategy for our investment options, as well as when selecting and reviewing investment managers. In doing so, we are better able to protect and optimise our members’ investments over the long term.