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A passively managed, diversified, pre-mixed investment option with a focus on minimising fees.

At a glance (Transition to Retirement)

Investment time frame
5 years +
Level of investment risk
Likelihood of negative returns
Growth/defensive allocation
75% growth / 25% defensive
Total investment fees and costs*
Return target
CPI + 2.5% p.a. over 20 years
Net return^

* Investment costs are based on estimated and actual information from the previous financial year. The costs payable in future years may be higher or lower. Administration and other fees also apply. For a full breakdown of fees and costs, see the Pension Guide
^ Investment return over 10 years to 31 August 2024, net of investment fees and costs. Administration and other costs apply. Returns won’t display for options younger than 10 years. See investment returns page for returns over all available periods.

Icon depicting a pie chart with a dollar sign in one segment

Low fees

Low investment fees can make a big difference to your balance – and your retirement outcomes. Our Indexed Balanced option’s total investment fees and costs are just 0.05% per year.1 

Passively managed

As a passively managed, pre-mixed portfolio, Indexed Balanced aims to track established market indices which contributes to the cost-effectiveness of the option.

Icon depicting pre-mixed super represented as a pie chart

Diversified portfolio

Indexed Balanced provides exposure to international and Australian shares, international and Australian fixed interest, and cash. It invests through experienced managers such as IFM Investors and BlackRock.


Who is Indexed Balanced suitable for?

Members with a five years–plus investment time frame who are seeking a passively managed, diversified pre-mixed investment option.

The Indexed Balanced option has been designed for members with a primary focus on minimising fees and has the lowest total investment cost of the Hostplus pre-mixed options. This option aims to track established market indices.

Compared to our Balanced option, Indexed Balanced does not invest in unlisted assets and instead has a higher allocation to listed equities, fixed interest, and cash. 

Our target 

asset mix 

Indexed Balanced
Asset classBenchmarkRange
Australian shares                   35%                                            20-60%                                       
International shares (developed markets)                                                                                                                           40%20–60%
International shares (emerging markets) 0%0–15% 
Property 0%0% 
Infrastructure 0%0% 
Private equity 0%0% 
Credit 0%0% 
Alternatives 0%0% 
Diversified fixed interest 17%10–30% 

Head to Pension Online to choose the investment option that’s right for you.


Transition to Retirement

This table shows the 12-month net returns for our Indexed Balanced option at 30 June each year. The net return is the money the investment has earned, minus investment costs and taxes.2

Return 9.58% 8.47%0.91%18.78%-5.76

This table shows the average net returns for our Indexed Balanced option over 3, 5 and 10 years to 30 June 2022.2

Year3 years5 years10 years
Average return (p.a.) 3.89% 5.91% -

Get ready for a positive future with a Hostplus retirement account

It takes about 20 minutes to apply for a Hostplus retirement account online, or you can call us on 1300 348 546 to discuss your options.

1. Investment fees and costs are based on estimated and actual information from estimates based on the previous financial year. Fees and The costs payable in future years may be higher or lower. Administration and activity fees also apply. See the Pension Guide for more information.
2. Administration and other fees also apply. For a full breakdown of fees and costs, see the Pension Guide