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Disclosure Statements (PDS)

The Hostplus Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) contains the information you need to understand your super.

Other super plans

For people who have transferred to Hostplus as part of a Successor Fund Transfer (SFT),  including Intrust Super, Statewide Super, and Maritime Super. 

Maritime Super Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) and Member Guides

The Maritime Super PDS and Member Guides provide full details about all product and services transferred to Hostplus as part of the Maritime Super and Hostplus Successor Fund Transfer.

These products remain open and available to people who work for an eligible Maritime employer:


For other members transferred to Hostplus as part of the Maritime Super and Hostplus Successor Fund Transfer, please see the Maritime Super Legacy Product Guide

It contains information on the following legacy products:

  • Permanent Defined Benefit
  • Svitzer Defined Benefit
  • Trident Defined Benefit (including Trident Pension Defined Benefit)
  • SRF Fixed Term Income
  • SERF Fixed Term Income 
  • SRF Life Pension
  • SERF Term Allocated Pension
  • SRF Term Allocated Pension

Statewide Super Legacy Product Guide

The Statewide Super Legacy Product Guide is for members transferred to Hostplus as part of the Statewide Super and Hostplus Successor Fund Transfer (SFT).

It contains information on the following legacy products:

  • Insurance Guide – Transferred Statewide Super Members
  • Salarylink Member Guide
  • Lifetime Pension Member Guide
  • Term Pension Member Guide
  • Term Allocated Pension Member Guide.

Download Statewide Super Legacy Product Guide


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Insurance Guide – Transferred Intrust Super Members

This Insurance Guide is for members transferred to Hostplus as part of the Intrust Super and Hostplus Successor Fund Transfer that held Death only or Death and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance cover immediately prior to the time of transfer.

If you did not hold Death and TPD cover immediately prior to the time of the transfer, then please refer to the Hostplus Member Guide above.

This Insurance Guide also has information about PayGuard Income Protection cover.

Download Insurance Guide – Transferred Intrust Super Members